WMAC Athlete Online Entry Form
Terms & Conditions of Entry in WMAC events CLICK HERE
Tournament Enquires: & Technical Help Desk: email "info@WMAChampionships.com"
How to Register, Create a athlete/official profile
It's Easy to Enter any Open WMAC tournament around the World, via Online Entries.
Instructions to register and enter WMAC tournaments online below:
Register Once only
Register either as an athlete, coach, club or official.
Once registered as an athlete, coach or club, you can enter any event as an athlete.
If your club or coach isn't listed in the system for you to select, you can still register into a tournament however you will not be recognised as being from your coach or club. Your Coach and Club need to register their details (the same way as you) in order for them to appear in Online Entries.
Register once only. Please do not keep registering with Online Entries with multiple emails or new emails each tournament as your profile gets duplicated and may miss out on points required for qualification to National and International events. Any problems contact our Technical Help Desk.
Ensure your coach or instructor registers too and Add your school to their own profile - this way your school gets the credit and you do not get matched up in the first round with your own club.
ATTENTION Coaches/Club Owners - you need to ensure you tick the boxes 'I am the School Owner' & 'I am a School Coach' in your profile. This will give you privileges to manage your school/club/athletes.
Sign in - if you are already registered either as an Athlete, Official, Coach or Club.
If you forgot your password, you can reset it online.
Enter the Tournament
Once you have registered you need to choose a tournament to enter
Choose the tournament from the list that you are eligible to attend
Check your divisions you want to enter (read the division names)
Enter your weight and height each time you enter a new tournament
Proceed to check out - Pay for the tournament
Press “Pay Now” ONCE and wait to receive confirmation. Do not keep pressing “Pay Now” as you will be charged multiple times
Any problems contact Technical Help Desk
You will receive a confirmation email once you have entered the tournament
Bring your confirmation email (Athlete Pass) to the day of the tournament
Door Ticket Sales - you must have the Door Ticket Pass with you to enter the tournament on the day.
Merchandise tickets - you must present your Merchandise Ticket to claim your pre-paid merchandise.
No Refunds – Once any purchase is made - or any tournament is entered and paid by you – there are no refunds. Event planning and expenses are calculated based on purchases made via Online Entries.
Any other questions regarding the tournament contact your local Regional Leader or WMAC local representative - see Contact Page above menu.
Principal Club Owners only
Your special access if you are an approved WMAC Club Coach make your life easy to use Online Entries
Email WMAC if you do not have access (info@WMAChampionships.com)
Add your School (Instructors / Coaches only)
You need to ensure you tick the boxes 'I am the School Owner' & 'I am a School Coach' in your profile. This will give you privileges to manage your school/club/athletes.
Register as above first
Go to 'School' tab top menu bar
Click 'Add My School'
Complete all detail in full - including your grade system
You can edit your school details click 'Edit My School'
Check athletes Grades, Registration & Add/Remove them from wrong divisions
You can also check in your own (coaches /instructors) profile if your athletes they added you as their coach / teacher).
Please ensure all your students add you as their teacher when they are in their own profile.
This will ensure they do not get matched with each other in the first round (as best as possible most cases - depending on the numbers of athlete's entered))
To check your students if they entered go to your profile:
Go to the ‘My School’ tab
You will see who registered as an instructor in your school 😉
You will see you students listed (those who have registered into WMAC)
Click on the student you are looking for
See all the events they have entered, including their divisions
You can remove them from event or divisions – or you can add additional division for a paid event scheduled (prior to the closing date)
you can change their grade too - please ensure its fair and meet the Grade Legend of WMNAC - to be fair to everyone.
Thank You for registering and entering into WMAC events and being a part of our international tournament circuit.
We look forward in seeing you at our events.