WMAC Code of Conduct for Officials
The following is the Code of Conduct we expect from ALL WMAC officials, regardless of country or martial arts style.
At all times WMAC officials will respect the rules and regulations set out by the AMAC & WMAC tournament organisers.
Give all athletes a fair go regardless of their gender, ability, martial art and cultural background or religion.
Remember all officials set an example. Behaviour and comments should be positive and supportive.
At all times officials of AMAC & WMAC will be totally non-bias in their rulings and decisions during & outside of competition.
Encourage the spirit of the competition rather than the errors
Respect the rights of all coaches, instructors and athletes wishing to lodge a protest after competition.
All protests will be bought forward to the National Technical Commissioner, State Technical Commissioner or Marshal and/or State Tournament Director. All protests will be heard amicably, fairly and non-biased.
At all times all referees, judges, officials regardless of their martial art background will always show courtesy and respect to each other, including athletes, coaches & parents on and off the competition arena
A WMAC Official will always represent him/herself with honour and respect when acting on behalf of the AMAC organisation.
No official will be able to use the name of WMAC at other tournaments to gain access to a protest and/or lodge a protest.
No WMAC official will discredit a fellow Martial Artist(s), Athlete(s), Coach(s) or Club(s) at any time.
All officials will take directions from the State Technical Commissioner and/ or the National Technical Commissioner when attending WMAC tournaments and seminar/workshops.
WMAC officials acknowledge attendance to all workshops and tournaments is mandatory in order to achieving a higher Class of accreditation.
Failure to comply with the above Code of Conduct may result in expulsion from the NTC.