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The Australian Martial Arts Championships (AMAC) is the Australian branch and flagship of the World Martial Arts Championships (WMAC). It has been in operation since 1993, and across Australia since 2008. It is currently running over 20 tournaments throughout the year in four Australian States (NSW, QLD, VIC, ACT) including a number of regional tournaments.

Australian Squad athletes (having qualified in the top 5 in their divisions at the previous year's Australian Titles) have the opportunity to compete in New Zealand and Japan under the WMAC banner.

If you're interested in competing in AMAC tournaments, our Events page has details and online entry forms is available for you; including information about when and where tournaments are being held in Australia this year.

If you'd like to get on our email list as an athlete, instructor, or official, subscribe to our newsletter, or try one of the exams under the GET INVOLVED item in the menu above.

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